
Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow

Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow » Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow / Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
fagnerbond arrow_drop_down
    ID: #2358845
    Membro desde
    # Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow...
    Resposta de fagnerbond.

    Splinter Cell: PT Cheat Codes

    Cheat Codes

    You need to open your SplinterCell2user.ini file. It is located in Ubisoft\splintercellpandoratomorrow\offline\system file. Open it with notepad and under Engine.Input choose an unbound key and one of the following codes after it. You can also use other unbound keys to input other codes as well. Now while in game press the bound key and your code will activate. Now be sure to bound another key to turn the code off. These codes are basically the same as SC1 put you have to bind them to key

    Cheat Effect

    invisible 1(you will not see Sam) Sam is invisible but enemies can still bump into him and start alerts.

    invisible 0 turns off invisible

    invincible 1 god mode

    invincible 0 god mode off

    ghost no clip mode

    walk no clip off

    ammo more ammo

    fly floating

    playersonly freeze enemies

    playersonly 0 unfreeze enemies

    health gives health

    killpawns kills all enemies

    summon echeloningredient.ewallmine spawn wallmine

    summon echeloningredient.estickyshocker spawn sticky shocker

    summon echeloningredient.eringairfoilround spawn airfoil round

    summon echeloningredient.esmokegrenade spawn smoke grenade

    summon echeloningredient.estickycamera spawn sticky camera

    summon echeloningredient.efraggrenade spawn frag grenade

    summon echeloningredient.edisposablepick spawn disposable pick

    summon echeloningredient.eflashbang spawn flashbang

    Rocha 007
    Rocha_007 arrow_drop_down
      ID: #2358846
      Membro desde
      # Splinter cell
      Resposta de Rocha_007.

      Quero uma ajuda na fase ,para entra na estação de TV esto perto de uma gurita .como passo dela .

      23Maninho arrow_drop_down
        Começando a Saber

        sei la

        ID: #2358847
        Membro desde
        Masculino, 35 anos
        # Re: Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow...
        Resposta de 23Maninho.

        Vc ai da fase da estação de TV pega o detonado do site ele esplica bem + pega o do site o do michael jackson so entre nos éu uma mer...

        cara se ja uso uma das dicas desse cara ai

        ai galera todos que olharem isso

        por favor dêem uma olhada no meu vlog ok

        paulogto arrow_drop_down
          ID: #2358848
          Membro desde
          # Ajuda
          Resposta de paulogto.

          Vaio vc tem q pula a cerca q fica por ali

          acha la bem no canto

          Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow » Dicas/Cheats Para Splinter cell pandora tomorrow - Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow