
Tem Pra Pc? - The Warriors

Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » The Warriors » Tem Pra Pc? - The Warriors
Tem Pra Pc? - The Warriors / The Warriors
deniscusido arrow_drop_down
    Manja Nada
    ID: #2368956
    Membro desde
    Masculino, 31 anos
    # Tem Pra Pc??????????????
    Resposta de deniscusido.

    Ae galera quero saber se The Warriors saiu para PC Também.

    LuksFarinha arrow_drop_down
      Manja Muito

      Tommy Vercetti..ops...Tommy Angelo

      ID: #2368957
      Membro desde
      Masculino, 30 anos
      # Re: Tem Pra Pc??????????????
      Resposta de LuksFarinha.

      Nao tem pra pc, ja pesquisei tambem, vlw




      mauroventura arrow_drop_down
        Manja Nada
        ID: #2368958
        Membro desde
        # Ree:... Tem Pra Pc?????????????????
        Resposta de mauroventura.

        Tb quero sabe ja joguei + n pra pc... gostaria de saber se tem pra pc... vlw

        aomge arrow_drop_down
          ID: #2368959
          Membro desde
          Masculino, 33 anos
          # Ai galera tem umas senhas para o The Warriors Para PlayStation 2
          Resposta de aomge.

          God mode..........up, triangle, l3, select, x, l2

          give player all items..........r1, r2, l1, x, down, l1

          give knife..........down, down, select, up, up, l3

          give unbreakable bat..........l3, l3, circle, up, circle, select

          give bat..........square, r2, down, down, l1, l1

          give molotov cocktail..........right, select, circle, left, circle, square

          give machete..........l1, x, r1, r1, select, r2

          give pipe..........r2, circle, select, up, l1, right

          unlock brass, circle, circle, l1, select, triangle

          unlock steel-toe boots..........r3, r2, r1, l3, l2, l1

          unlock cuff key drops..........left, x, x, r2, l1, down

          unlock cuff drops..........up, x, up, select, l3, l1

          uncuff self..........triangle, triangle, triangle, select, triangle, r1

          flash capacity upgrade..........l2, x, r2, l1, l1, circle

          flash upgrade..........down, left, up, up, square, right

          combat stamina upgrade..........x, l1, down, square, up, x

          sprint stamina upgrade..........l2, select, select, select, select, triangle

          hobo advice, circle, down, r2, l2, circle

          hobo allies upgrade..........r1, r1, l1, r1, l1, up

          all weapons dealers on the map..........right, r1, circle, x, select, square

          finish current level..........down, square, x, select, r1, left

          100% in game..........l1, select, square, down, l2, right

          turn off, square, left, square, r3, r2

          99 credits for armies of the night..........up, up, down, down, left, right

          unlimited sprint..........down, square, left, x, l1, select

          unlimited rage..........square, circle, triangle, select, x, left

          clear police wanted level..........up, select, x, triangle, triangle, circle

          ta em ingles mas acho que da pra voces intender pra quem nao sabe o "square" é "quadrado"

          Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » The Warriors » Tem Pra Pc? - The Warriors