
Porta demonio - Fable: The Lost Chapters

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Porta demonio - Fable: The Lost Chapters / Fable: The Lost Chapters
pandavp58 arrow_drop_down
    Sabe Pouco
    ID: #2374590
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    # Porta demonio
    Resposta de pandavp58.


    Alguem poderia listar os segredos das portas demonio em um lugar só! Não eh?


    - A do bordeu... vc tem que transar com umas 10 mulheres!

    - A da Guilda de Heróis, vc tem que acender a lanterna!

    - A da Rose...bla bla bla...(A casa da velhinha que perdeu o neto)... Vc tem que dar um presente pra ela (chocolate)...

    ... Sacou? Mandem as suas ai!

    Psyco Jeisus
    Psyco_Jeisus arrow_drop_down
      Parceiro GameVicio

      Don't Fuck, with the Duck!!!

      ID: #2374591
      Membro desde
      Masculino, 35 anos, Solteiro
      # Ingles, mas tá valendo...
      Resposta de Psyco_Jeisus.

      Consegui através do URLaHR0cDovL3d3dy5nYW1lZmFxcy5jb20KRXN0w6E= em inglês, mas nada que um dicionário do lado não resolva!

      e aaahhh, isso exercita o inglês da pessoa!

      Video-game tbm é cultura! hehehe



      / 1 \

      \___/ Location: Heroes Guild

      How to get inside: The door tells you that your path is too dark and you need

      to show him the "light". To do this just go into your inventory and show him

      the lantern and he will let you enter.

      Reward: Elixir of Life Potion



      / 2 \

      \___/ Location: Greatwood Gorge

      How to get inside: You must perform a deed of great evil in front of the door.

      In other words, have someone follow you and then murder them in front of the

      door. You can also eat 10 crunchy chicks which is much easier than just killing

      someone because it sometimes does not work. Also, if your personality is 100%

      evil the door will let you pass without having to do the evil deed.

      Reward: The legendary weapon, Wello's Pickhammer



      / 3 \

      \___/ Location: Greatwood Caves

      How to get inside: Get a combat multiplier of 14 or higher. A good way to do

      this is first cast physical shield and then go into the Hobbe Cave. Now you

      will need to get a multiplier of over 30 because when you leave an area your

      multiplier is halved. Once you've got it hurry to exit the cave and talk to

      the door. You can also try killing the earth troll that usually spawns at the

      Greatwood Caves, although this does not always get your combat multiplier high

      enough. Now these aren't the only ways to do this, so go ahead and find other

      ways yourself.

      Reward: The legendary weapon, Cutlass Bluetane



      / 4 \

      \___/ Location: Rosewood Cottage

      How to get inside: First go to a shop and buy a gift, doesn't matter what kind.

      Next stand next to the door and give the gift to it. The door will be so

      grateful that it will open for you.

      Reward: The full Bright Will Users Suit



      / 5 \

      \___/ Location: Darkwood Marsh

      How to get inside: Talk to the door and he will tell you that you have to

      defeat his mercenaries before he will grant you access. Accept the challenge

      and 4 waves of Hobbes will spawn. Defeat all of the Hobbes and you're in.

      Reward: The full Dark Will Users Suit



      / 6 \

      \___/ Location: Barrow Fields

      How to get inside: The door tells you that you must be fat and obese before you

      can enter. To do this, just eat plenty of meat and fatty foods or drink plenty

      of beer. A cheaper way to do this is to buy 60 carrots and eat them. This will

      give the same effect as beer or fatty foods.

      Reward: Will Masters Elixir



      / 7 \

      \___/ Location: Grey House

      How to get inside: This one is simple. All that you need to do is be married to

      Lady Grey and he will grant you access. For information on how to marry Lady

      Grey scroll to the end of the Demon Doors section.

      Reward: The legendary weapon, Ronok The Axe



      / 8 \

      \___/ Location: Abandoned Road

      How to get inside: Present yourself to the door wearing the full Bright Plate

      Mail suit, full Dark Will Users suit, and full Bandits suit. To get the Bright

      Plate Mail, you can either buy the full set at the Arena, or buy the leggings

      and boots at Knothole Glade and pick up the torso and gloves from wondering

      traders in Witchwood. To get the Dark Will Users suit follow the Demon Door #5

      instructions. The Bandits suit you should already have from opening the chests

      located on the Abandoned Road.

      Reward: The legendary weapon, The Dollmasters Mace



      / 9 \

      \___/ Location: Witchwood Stones

      How to get inside: Talk to the door and he will tell you that you can not enter

      unless you know his name. Next go to the stones and hit them to spell out his

      name in the order H - I - T - S. If you want to have some fun spell out S - H

      - I..... well you get the picture. When you do that Balvorines will spawn for

      you to kill.

      Reward: This door is part of the "Find the Archaeologist" quest so when you

      open it he will leave and there will be various items including books, a

      tattoo, and Chainmail Leggings for you to take.



      / 10 \

      \____/ Location: Knothole Glade

      How to get inside: The door tells you that you must hit it in the face with a

      bow, but it has to be a powerful shot. For best results I recommend using an

      Ebony bow or higher, BUT this can be achieved with any bow in the game. The way

      you do this is by holding down the fire button to charge your shot up. The

      longer you hold down the button the more powerful the shot will be. Also, if

      you aim at the eye of the door you won't have to charge your shot for as long.

      Reward: Elixir of Life



      / 11 \

      \____/ Location: Headmens Hill

      How to get inside: If you choose to do the "Marry Lady Grey" quest (which is

      explained in this guide) you will have to at one point defeat Thunder to prove

      yourself to Lady Grey. Once you have defeated him talk to the door and it will

      open up.

      Reward: Nothing, it just provides you a way out of the ravine that you fight

      Thunder in.



      / 12 \

      \____/ Location: Lychfield Graveyard

      How to get inside: You must collect Nostro's belongings scattered across the

      graveyard and place them in his tomb. The helmet is located in the

      Gravekeepers cottage. The armor is located in a crypt near Nostro's crypt. The

      shield is located in the nearby river on a rippling spot. The sword is buried

      in a grave that has a shining spot on the ground near it.

      Reward: This is the entrance to the Prison Path which you will need to use to

      make it to the prison to save your mother in a quest.



      / NA \

      \____/ Location: Lookout Point

      At lookout point by the entrance to the Hero's Guild there is something that

      looks like a demon door that has no face on it. You can not access it and to my

      knowledge you can not get into it. This was probably one of the many things

      that was cut from the game before it was released.

      Skyrim is taking my life...



      Anubes arrow_drop_down
        ID: #2374592
        Membro desde
        # A porta dos mutiplos
        Resposta de Anubes.

        Na porta do multiplos seu multiplos tem q ser 14

        summer love
        summer love arrow_drop_down
          ID: #2374593
          Membro desde
          # Re:Porta do demonio
          Resposta de summer love.

          Na porta do dmonio q precisa ser o multiplo 14

          no meu n entra fala q precisa ser + grande e o meu eh 40 e poko

          alguem poderia me explicar direito

          ksmorte arrow_drop_down
            ID: #2374594
            Membro desde
            # Porta demonio
            Resposta de ksmorte.

            Para abrir esse porta demonio do multiplicado

            seu multiplicado precisa ta no 13 pra cima mas

            ten q ser na hora

            ksmorte arrow_drop_down
              ID: #2374595
              Membro desde
              # Porta demonio
              Resposta de ksmorte.

              Algeun sabe como abrir o porta demonio

              q pede para vc fazer uma maldade perto dele....

              eu ja levei um carinha la e matei ele i naun deu nada....

              me ajudem por favor....

              Anônimo arrow_drop_down
                ID: #2374596
                Membro desde
                # Re: Porta demonio
                Resposta de Anônimo.

                Ei to com um probleminha.. eu não casei com a lady grey e virei prefeito da north bowerstone e ela desapareceu... como fasso agora para abrir a porta?( a De Grey House)

                Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » Fable: The Lost Chapters » Porta demonio - Fable: The Lost Chapters