
Problema do Load/Save resolvido - Final Fantasy VII

Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » Final Fantasy VII » Problema do Load/Save resolvido - Final Fantasy VII
Problema do Load/Save resolvido - Final Fantasy VII / Final Fantasy VII
the.mistic arrow_drop_down
    ID: #2461146
    Membro desde
    Masculino, 42 anos, Solteiro
    # Problema do Load/Save resolvido
    Resposta de the.mistic.

    Eu fuçando pela net encontrei uma maneira de deixar o load/save do final fantasy 7 Remake mais rápido, mas esta em inglês (o meu sistema é Windows 7 ultimate 64 bits):

    this is for windows 7

    1. go to "Control PanelSystem and SecurityWindows Firewall"

    2. from left side corner choose "Advanced settings"

    3. a widow will pop out from left side corner choose "Outbound Rules"

    4. from right corner choose "New Rule"

    5. choose Program "it's choosen by defalut" press next

    6. Brwose to where you installed the game "defalut setup destintion is C:Program Files (x86)Square EnixFINAL FANTASY VII" choose "ff7_en.exe" if you play other than english choose the approprite exe

    ff7_de.exe for dutch

    ff7_en.exe for english

    ff7_es.exe for espansh

    ff7_fr.exe for fransh

    7. after you choose the approprite one press next than choose "Block the connection" {again it's choosen by defalut} press next

    8. make sure everthing have a cheek {by defalut everthing cheeked} press next

    9. choose a name {any name is good better to make it obvious like "ff7_en.exe"} press finish.

    and there you blocked the game from trying to f#@x access the network one more thing

    make all these steps again but this time for "ff7 Updater.exe" and "ff7 UpdateHelper.exe"

    you can find them in "Cusers%USERPROFILE%DocumentsSquare EnixFINAL FANTASY VIIupdate-temp"

    make sure you Block both files after that every time you try to access the save game screen it will load faster.

    PS: Quando o Launcher pedir autorização de administrador para fazer o update click em "não" depois "continuar" e então quando clicar em "play" veja a magica, valew ai povo e espero ter ajudado.

    Fórum GameVicio » Jogos em Geral » Final Fantasy VII » Problema do Load/Save resolvido - Final Fantasy VII