
RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest

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RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
Laurie the Deepminded
Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
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    ID: #255210
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    # RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
    Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.


    Perdoe-me por favor se eu responder somente em inglês. Meu "português" é muito limitado.  (Thank goodness for BabalFish!)

    To celebrate the 7th anniversary of Rune's release, there is an Official Rune 7th Anniversary Contest going on that is supported by URLSHVtYW4gSGVhZCBTdHVkaW9zLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5odW1hbmhlYWQuY29tLw==

    The Three Categories for submission are for Fiction (English language Only) Maps, Concept and Illustrative Art.  Some of you who visit may know of it.  It began March 1st and ends May 1st.  There will be five winners in each category and the entrant can submit their work in two of the three.  The final winners will be announced May 15th.  There are special HH t shirts as prizes and the judging is done by the community as well as by HH and designated judges. 

    More information (and submission page) can be found through the URLJmFtcDtxdW90O1J1bmUgN3RoIEFubml2ZXJzYXJ5IENvbnRlc3QmYW1wO3F1b3Q7LS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5laXZlcnNlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5odG1s website.  There are some new Map submissions you download and try out there.  A Story has been submitted too.  More to will come as the final date gets closer.  You can go to's  URLUnVuZSA3dGggQW5uaXZlcnNhcnkgQ29udGVzdC0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWdhbWUuY29tL3ZiZi9zaG93dGhyZWFkLnBocD9nb3RvPW5ld3Bvc3QmYW1wO3Q9MjkwNTY= subject thread to ask any questions.  Or announce wanting to make something for the contest.

    As administrator of URLUnVuZWdhbWUuY29tLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5lZ2FtZS5jb20=, the Official website of URLSHVtYW4gSGVhZCBTdHVkaW9zLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5odW1hbmhlYWQuY29t "RUNE" and "Rune: Halls of Valhalla". I want to thank Walleck for what he has been doing translating RUNE for Brazilian and Portuguese players. As well as translating any of the patches and mods you may want to download to add to the enjoyment.

    For the last few months, Walleck has kept the community updated about translating the game and asking help when needed.    In turn, the community has been great in answering his questions to help with this project. 

    The Runegame community is still quite active and after nearly eight years, has gained a "cult status".  New players are still discovering it and old players always come back.  Mods (both SP and MP), maps, skins, mutator and more are still being made. 

    This Viking Age/Fantasy game as gained a "cult status" for its Viking  great style of intuitive combat with axes, hammers, swords and maces.  Easy to learn but hard to master well.  I have met a few of you in both "RUNE" and "HOV" MP servers over the years.  "Thank You" for playing this great game!   

    Moderators, if this is not the place to announce this contest...please move this to the suitable board?

    Laurie the Deepminded Goddess/Admin

    Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

    Laurie the Deepminded
    Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
      Manja Nada
      ID: #255216
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      # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
      Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

      I am's Administrator.  For the last seven years, I have been doing this for Human Head Studios.


      You can go to click on my sig below to visit the game's Official Website.

      I can read some Portuguese but use an online translator to try writing in it.  But even with BabelFish, the announcement might not read well enough to attempt posting it in Portuguese. 

      Laurie the Deepminded Goddess/Admin

      Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

      Laurie the Deepminded
      Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
        Manja Nada
        ID: #255220
        Membro desde
        # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
        Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

        Let me attempt then using the online Translator 

        English to Portuguese from the

        URLUnVuZSA3dGggQW5uaXZlcnNhcnkgQ29udGVzdC0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWl2ZXJzZS5jb20vaW5kZXguaHRtbA== website


        The Contest 

        Hello, ventiladores de Rune em torno do mundo! Começou um nível, um desenho, ou uma história boa de Viking no cérebro? Comece-o então para baixo e digital e submeta-o competição do anniversary de Rune à 7a!

        Para comemorar o 7o anniversary da liberação de Rune, os estúdios principais humanos,, e estão patrocinando uma competição dos faç exame-todo-taking-all-comers para o índice creativo original baseado em temas, em caráteres, e em ambientes do universo de Rune.

        Prizes: The T Shirts

        Há quinze prêmios iguais: Os t-shirts de um funcionamento muito limitado de mesmos, projetado especialmente por Humano Cabeça e aquela evoke as camisas originais do "colaborador" da liberação de Rune.

        Este limitado-funcione t-shirts são pretendidos como prêmios, e não há atualmente nenhuma planta para vendê-los no Web site principal humano.

        Há três categorias da submissão, com cinco prêmios em cada categoria:


        Submeta por favor seu muito mais melhor mapa multiplayer de Rune para a consideração. Pode haver somente um mapa por o entrant. O tamanho de lima do fecho de correr não deve ser não mais do que 10mb.

        O mapa não tem que ser brand-new para a competição; você pode submeter trabalho existente para a consideração. Entretanto, o mapa não deve ter sido submetido a nenhuma competição traçando precedente. Os mapas serão julgados no fluxo e o contrapeso, a creatividade, qualidade e consistência aesthetic, desempenho, e do "o fator todo-importante divertimento."


        Você foi inspirado pelo universo de Rune? A aventura de um ou outro Ragnar continuando, ou introduz outros caráteres da idade de Viking? Está aqui sua possibilidade! Emita em suas histórias -- nós amaríamos lê-las!

        Submeta por favor seu tratamento literário muito mais fino do lore de Viking ajustado no universo de Rune. O trabalho não deve ser não mais de trinta páginas, e pode ser uma história curta ou pode constituir um capítulo em um trabalho maior. De qualquer maneira, a escrita submetida deve estar no seus próprios e encapsulate uma história ou um evento. O trabalho deve ser submetido em inglês, e deve haver somente uma submissão por o entrant.

        O trabalho será julgado na creatividade e no uso creativo dos caráteres de Rune e de seu universo. Será julgado também na qualidade da escrita própria: comando da língua, a soletração apropriada, a gramática, e a pontuação, e o flair pessoal do escritor

        (We are not going to act like your strict "English Language Teacher", though.  As the game is popular with so many nationalities, it was decided to limit the language the submissions be in.  And for the judges language skills read in...)

        Concept and Illustration

        Submeta por favor sua visão do mundo de Rune e de seus denizens, conhecidos e ainda undiscovered, no formato de JPG para a consideração. O trabalho será julgado em um número de méritos: originality, creatividade, execução e aesthetics, estilo e integralidade total do esforço. Pode haver somente uma submissão por o entrant nesta categoria. O trabalho do conceito tenderá para o realization visual de caráteres e de ambientes novos dentro do universo de Rune. O trabalho ilustrativo tenderá para uma expressão narrativa ou aesthetic dos caráteres e dos ambientes dentro do universo de Rune.

        Submissions and Moderators

        Um indivíduo pode fazer uma única submissão não mais em de duas das três categorias como identificada acima: Fiction, traçar, e Concept/Illustration. Todo o trabalho submetido julgando deve ser original.

        Em qualquer categoria, toda a submissão que for determinada na única discreção da cabeça humana ter sido plagiada será removida da consideração.

        Os moderators para a competição são Laurie sábio de RuneGame, de Phil (Socketboy) Pliuskonis de Rune2, e de Ted Halsted de estúdios principais humanos. Os estúdios principais humanos reservam a direita fazer decisões finais nas matérias que relacionam-se à competição e a conceder dos prêmios.

        Duration of Contest

        A competição funcionará entre março 1o e maio 1o. Este é o frame de tempo em que você deve fazer sua submissão formal ao Web site Haverá então um período ten-day para votar. Os vencedores serão anunciados formalmente maio em 1ö. Os moderators coletarão então os endereços dos vencedores e um t-shirt brand-new de Ragnar estará em sua maneira a sua caixa postal dos estúdios principais humanos.


        As entradas serão afixadas no Web site e votadas sobre lá por ventiladores de Rune e pela equipe de funcionários principal humana. Cada eleitor começa pôr um voto em cada categoria, para um total de três votos. No exemplo de um laço, um t-shirt adicional será concedido.

        The Vibe

        Apenas enquanto o jogo de Rune é sobre a competição com sorrr forçadamente, é assim esta competição de Rune. ?? sobre a comemoração de abilidades creativas e de um jogo que do pessoa nós amamos jogar. Todos na cabeça humana e na comunidade de Rune olha para a frente a ver todos seus esforços creativos!


        Todas as submissões se transformam a propriedade de estúdios principais humanos. Os estúdios principais humanos retêm a direita, mas não têm nenhuma obrigação, usar nenhuma submissão, uma fac-símile de nenhuma submissão ou nenhum derivative de nenhuma submissão em nenhum título video Rune-relacionado upcoming do jogo ou para nenhuma finalidade qualquer. Os participants da competição não retêm nenhuma direita, moral ou de outra maneira, em nenhuma submissão da competição. Algum disputa relacionado à competição será resolvido por estúdios de Humano Cabeça em sua única discreção, e os participants da competição concordam ser limitados por estes termos com seu ato da participação


        Submeta todas as entradas com informação com URLJmFtcDtxdW90O3N1Ym1ldGVtJmFtcDtxdW90Oy0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWl2ZXJzZS5jb20vc3VibWl0Lmh0bWw= a página.

        (Submit all entries with information through the "Submit" page.)

        As entradas dos mapas, da arte e do fiction podem ser encontradas em suas páginas individuais

        (Maps, Art and Fiction entries can be found in their individual pages)

        I do hope the translations grammar is correct enough. 

        Laurie the Deepminded Goddess/Admin

        Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

        Porcodue arrow_drop_down
          GameViciado Super
          ID: #255236
          Membro desde
          Masculino, 34 anos
          # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
          Resposta de Porcodue.

          Movi o tópico para a seção de campeonatos e eventos.

          Leiam ali em baixo, está entendível ;D

          Thanks for Laurie the Deepminded ;)

          [img width=315 height=95][/img]Regras do Fórum


          Todas as Traduções da GV

          Anônimo arrow_drop_down
            ID: #255249
            Membro desde
            # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
            Resposta de Anônimo.


            I discovered Rune because the translation :p

            And i like the game... but... the engine is too old... Rune qithe the Engine of Doom 3.... It's a Dream...

            Congratulations to the Rune Game and his creators.

            See a...

            Laurie the Deepminded
            Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
              Manja Nada
              ID: #255456
              Membro desde
              # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
              Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

              Obrigado Porcodue


              The "RUNE" engine is a specially enhanced HH development of the Epic Games "UnReal" engine. The headers were released back in September 2004.  Go to the Human Head Studios link to find it there.  You will need C++ 6.0 (at least) to work them for modding or other further enhancements.  So, is an older game engine but not the same if you are used to working with the regular Unreal engine.  As any of the community modders will tell you, what you can do with it, makes it unique compared to other Unreal engine games. 

              Eventually Human Head Studios does want to make a Rune 2.  you can find URLYSBsb25nIHN1YmplY3QgdGhyZWFkICZhbXA7cXVvdDtzdGlja2llJmFtcDtxdW90Oy0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWdhbWUuY29tL3ZiZi9mb3J1bWRpc3BsYXkucGhwP2Y9MQ== what people would like to see done using any new Unreal engine. Or, better still, an Enhanced version. 

              .....biggest part of Rune that makes it so much different from other Unreal Engine games (other than the setting, story, etc) is the fact that Rune detects when and where a weapon hits a player. It's a mesh-to-mesh collision, rather than the simple collision cylinders that is used most most everything else in the engine.

              The game encourages tracking your opponents, their every move, in a very direct manner.  The player models seem more "alive".  Many community members have remarked that in some crazy way, this encourages friendships and a deeper game community. It connects people more in competition.  Rune's Chat system is still considered the best of it's type.  Escaping from your enemy when you were down to one arm and no life left in the bar, and giving them a "taunt" as you rode the elevator to safety is still great fun.

              It's combat system is pretty equally balanced if people know what there doing with their weapons. The controls are very responsive and, although combat seems only "hack and slash" it takes skill to know how to move correctly in different situations for best results.  As one player put it:

              It is possible to become "one" with the character/game/weapon and at the "skill peaks" it's possible to kill 10 or so other players that is decently skilled(1vs10 or ffa). To be able to do so, without cheats or any special powers or any real distance weapon


              Outside of throwing a weapon, RUNE does not have any long distance weapons.  It is all "in your face"  But there have been mods made for Spears, crossbows and bows based on other weapon actions.

              But then there is the enhanced graphics and what people have done to create all the mods/maps made for the game.  Taking textures from other Unreal based games (Deus Ex, WoT, UT et.c....) to create their art....I have great appreciation of those skills and talents.  The RuneEd allows you to do more than the UnrealEd.  Which allowed one community team to remake the full 45 level SP game into a full Coop mod (free download) for example.  Human Head was not able to make this in time for release and the community wanted something like the UT one.  So, a team came together to work on it.  HH found out and liked what they saw...then helped the team out.  It is a free download and you can find it through Runegame's "Mods" page or through my own website's more URLdXBkYXRlZCBNb2RzL1BhdGNoZXMgaW5mbyBoZXJlLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5nZW9jaXRpZXMuY29tL3J1bmVnYW1lZ29kZGVzcy9SdW5lTW9kcy9SdW5lTW9kcy5odG0=

              I keep my URLUnVuZWdhbWVnb2RkZXNzIHdlYnNpdGUtLTs7LS1odHRwOi8vd3d3Lmdlb2NpdGllcy5jb20vcnVuZWdhbWVnb2RkZXNzLw== updated more often with anything pertaining to the game I find. went through a server host changeover in early 2005 after Gathering of Developers folded in late 2004.  The site is now under Take2 and hosted by their Rockstargames webmaster techs.  I updated several pages with Rock*'s help in May 2005 but needs another update soon.     

              Laurie the Deepminded


              Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

              Anônimo arrow_drop_down
                ID: #255461
                Membro desde
                # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                Resposta de Anônimo.


                Well, probably i will try to do some Mod's with the Rune's Story, hehe

                And it's the first time i'll see a Admin from a Company Website talking with the fans like you

                It's a Honor to Gamevicio, Thank you very Much.

                Don't Worry, now i'm helping Walleck with the translation, but after that i will try some Mod's and i gona do someones ;)

                Thank you very much for you presence here

                See a

                Laurie the Deepminded
                Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                  Manja Nada
                  ID: #255716
                  Membro desde
                  # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                  Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                  Rune 7th Anniversary submission update:

                  In URLJmFtcDtxdW90O01hcHMmYW1wO3F1b3Q7LS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5laXZlcnNlLmNvbS9tYXBzLmh0bWw=, there are six (6) maps ready to download and try out if you have RUNE or HOV.  Five are Deathmatch and one is CTT. Three are completely new maps.  One is an older map by a well known "tactical" style mapper that was revised just for this contest.  The last two are well known older maps but have not been submitted to any other contest.

                  Five maps have screenshots that anyone can click on to see.

                  DM Halls of DalGurak's Tower by VikingWasDead

                  DM-Malebolge by Stijn 'Darkwolf' Dreesen

                  CTT-WinterAssault by Victor Hurtado (GUILT) (no screenshot)

                  DM-Filthier by dirty~Bob  (revised "DM Filthy" for contest)

                  DM-PostMortem by Allan "Punk" Taylor

                  DM-Wrath by Hrothgar 'Jaret'  (Enclosed in the .zip is a ReadMe of how to activate the other game modes while you are fragging it up with buddies.  Need a minimum of three people to activate!)


                  "Rudolf" by Stijn 'Darkwolf' Dreesen (A story about Rudolf Ragnar's son with illustrations/images from the game) in pdf form.


                  None.....yet.  But sure there will be shortly.

                  Laurie the Deepminded


                  Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                  Anônimo arrow_drop_down
                    ID: #255819
                    Membro desde
                    # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                    Resposta de Anônimo.

                    [quote author=Redalert link=topic=30973.msg255817#msg255817 date=1207325132]

                    The people stiil play this game online?


                    Yes... I think so...

                    Laurie the Deepminded
                    Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                      Manja Nada
                      ID: #256016
                      Membro desde
                      # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                      Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                      Depending on the time of day or night, there are many MP servers up.  Whether for HOV or Rune depending on which version the player bought. 

                      For anyone not knowing what HOV is, this is Human Head Studios "Rune: Halls of Valhalla" MP standalone expansion pack.  Released a year after the original game.    It comes with its own RuneEd with several totally new skins, new MP gameplay ("Arena" and "Headball"), new maps, meshes and more. 

                      The patches are more for MP and allowing RUNE players to play in the HOV servers.  These  do not affect the SP gameplay outside of fixing a couple of bugs.  It also allows the RUNE Coop to be played as it was developed using some HOV textures/meshes and gameplay. 

                      HOV players would have get a couple of SP Sound and Texture files to play the Coop.  There are places to get these though.  There are always a Coop server running somewhere. 

                      A few months after HOV, "RuneGold" was released  which has both RUNE and HOV. 

             and affiliate sellers still sell all three whether new or used. 

                      New servers are always welcome!


                      Laurie the Deepminded


                      Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                      ???Walleck??? arrow_drop_down
                        Manja Muito

                        Odin, Giv Oss Seger!!

                        ID: #259990
                        Membro desde
                        Masculino, 33 anos
                        # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                        Resposta de ???Walleck???.

                        I never tried to do a map, but I will try if my PC allow :wink:

                        Probably only in the 8th  Anniversary I will participate...

                        Laurie the Deepminded
                        Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                          Manja Nada
                          ID: #272127
                          Membro desde
                          # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                          Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.


                          The contest submissions deadline is over and now for reviewing the entrees.  A "Contest Voting" page will be up soon.  The Voting will be open to all Rune community players.  The rating system will be one to five stars.

                          The reviewing time has been extended beyond May 15th deadline stated in the rules, by the way.  This will be in the new "Contest Voting" page. 

                          In ART:  11 pieces submitted.  Including one "movie".

                          In Fiction: Three stories.  A fourth story was a last minute entry that was sent back to be translated into English.

                          In Maps: 15 maps total.  Two are AR (Arena) and two are CTT (Capture the Torch)

                          You can see these and download them from the Rune 7th Anniversary Contest website. 

                          Right now, there are [2] two Servers up to host the maps.  A third will be up tomorrow.


                          For RUNE 1.00/1.01 players

                          dirty~1.o1 (2wk CONTEST ROTATION)

                          For Rune: Halls of Valhalla (HOV)

                          dirty~1.08 (2wk CONTEST ROTATION)

                          You do not need the 1.08 patch to enter this.  It automatically allows HOV 1.06/1.07 players.

                          ~Crew RuneClan (HOV) is the other one.  Hopefully other Clans/individual servers will do this too.

                          So if you would like to set up a server to host these maps too, it would very much appreciated!   

                          More information can be found in's General Discussion forums subjects: URLICZhbXA7cXVvdDtDb250ZXN0IERlYWRsaW5lJmFtcDtxdW90Oy0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWdhbWUuY29tL3ZiZi9zaG93dGhyZWFkLnBocD90PTI5MTQw  and URLJmFtcDtxdW90O0NvbnRlc3QgTWFwcyBTZXJ2ZXJzJmFtcDtxdW90Oy0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWdhbWUuY29tL3ZiZi9zaG93dGhyZWFkLnBocD9wPTMzNDExNyNwb3N0MzM0MTE3 

                          Remember, if you want to post a comment or announce putting up a server, you will have to register first  :biggrin:

                          Laurie the Deepminded


                          Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                          Laurie the Deepminded
                          Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                            Manja Nada
                            ID: #273056
                            Membro desde
                            # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                            Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                            [size=4]Contest Voting Phase[/size]

                            The deadline for submitting your contest submissions has past, and we are now moving into the voting phase.

                            Although the contest moderators and Human Head Studios will be reviewing and voting on submissions, we felt that it was very important to involve the community in the process! Thus voting will be opened up to All Rune Community members who wish to participate.

                            You will have the opportunity to rate each submissions from one to five stars. The winners (in each category) will be those with the Highest Average Rating. You will be limited to one vote per entry.

                            Any suspicious voting patterns may result in Disqualification of one or more entries....So Please do not try to cheat!

                            Human Head Studios judges will make the final decision and decide all tie breakers

                            Voting will begin on May 16th and end on May 31st in the Contest website. Winners will be announced June 2nd

                            Thank you to everyone who has participated in the contest!

                            You can find more information on the URLUnVuZSA3dGggQW5uaXZlcnNhcnkgQ29udGVzdCB3ZWJzaXRlLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5laXZlcnNlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5odG1s  Also check's URLR2VuZXJhbCBEaXNjdXNzaW9uIEZvcnVtcy0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWdhbWUuY29tL3ZiZi9mb3J1bWRpc3BsYXkucGhwP2Y9MQ==

                            BabelFish translation:

                            Fase Votando Da Competição

                            O fim do prazo para submeter suas submissões da competição tem past, e nós estamos movendo-nos agora na fase votando.

                            Votar será aberto até todos os membros de comunidade de Rune que desejam participar.

                            Você terá a oportunidade de avaliar cada submissões de uma a cinco estrelas. Os vencedores (em cada categoria) serão aqueles com a avaliação média a mais elevada. Você será limitado a um voto por a entrada.

                            Todos os testes padrões votando suspicious podem resultar em um disqualification de um ou mais entrada  Por favor não tente fazer batota!

                            Os Human Head Studios farão a decisão final e decidirão todos os disjuntores do laço

                            Votar começará maio em 1õ e terminará maio em 31o (Contest website)  Os vencedores serão anunciados junho ò

                            Obrigado a todos que participou na competição

                            More Information URLUnVuZSA3dGggQW5uaXZlcnNhcnkgQ29udGVzdCB3ZWJzaXRlLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5laXZlcnNlLmNvbS9pbmRleC5odG1s and's URLIEdlbmVyYWwgRGlzY3Vzc2lvbiBGb3J1bXMtLTs7LS1odHRwOi8vd3d3LnJ1bmVnYW1lLmNvbS92YmYvZm9ydW1kaXNwbGF5LnBocD9mPTE=

                            Laurie the Deepminded


                            Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                            Laurie the Deepminded
                            Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                              Manja Nada
                              ID: #277944
                              Membro desde
                              # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                              Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                              The contest URLVm90ZS0tOzstLWh0dHA6Ly93d3cucnVuZWl2ZXJzZS5jb20vaW5kZXguaHRtbA== page is working now.

                              Laurie the Deepminded


                              Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                              ???Walleck??? arrow_drop_down
                                Manja Muito

                                Odin, Giv Oss Seger!!

                                ID: #277957
                                Membro desde
                                Masculino, 33 anos
                                # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                                Resposta de ???Walleck???.

                                I already voted :biggrin:

                                domadosmortal arrow_drop_down
                                  Sabe Pouco


                                  ID: #283001
                                  Membro desde
                                  # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                                  Resposta de domadosmortal.

                                  eu joguei ele uma veiz e um otimo jogo mais nao consigo acha mais ele.

                                  Laurie the Deepminded
                                  Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
                                    Manja Nada
                                    ID: #287160
                                    Membro desde
                                    # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                                    Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                                    I want to thank all Rune players in Brazil and Portugal who took the time to vote for their favorites.

                                    The voting is over and the Winners announced June 8th in both's "Recent News" and its URLb3duIHN1YmplY3QgdGhyZWFkLS07Oy0taHR0cDovL3d3dy5ydW5lZ2FtZS5jb20vdmJmL3Nob3d0aHJlYWQucGhwP3Q9MjkyNTI= (where you can read any comments posted there): 

                                    First, the judges want to thank all the artists, writers and mappers who contributed to the Rune 7th Anniversary Contest with Wonderful and imaginative work!

                                    Secondly, to thank all those in the Community who downloaded the Art, Fiction and Maps, to review. Who took the time to admire the Art, read the Fiction and/or play the Maps then vote for their favorites!

                                    Out of a total of 30 submissions in the three categories (Art, Fiction and Maps) there are 16 Winners!

                                    "Why 16 you ask?"

                                    With so many good entries in Art (11) and Maps (15) while Fiction having only 4 submissions. It was decided to open the Art and Maps categories up to add a sixth winner for an extra prize.

                                    Also, it was decided to include a "Honorable Mention" placement too. There is no prize here but it was felt these, mentioned, deserved an extra "Viking Shout of Appreciation" for their creative efforts.

                                    So now (in no particular order) "The Winners Circle" and the "Honorable Mentions" in each of the three Categories are:


                                    Viking Concept by Swarainiz

                                    Ragnar Holding Head by Seth Hendrick

                                    Blood Hunter by S3RG3J

                                    Hrist by LiquidC

                                    Kraken by Eric Peterson

                                    Wendol Trap by POKRISHKA

                                    Honorable Mention:

                                    CATS by Lawrence "Warlawk" Stahl

                                    Fiction (Four Submissions Only)

                                    Seven Days to the Wolves by Victor Hurtado (guilt)

                                    Vikings by DonPedro

                                    Rudolf by Darkwolf

                                    "Untitled" by KeinesV


                                    DM-Constable by ArmanX

                                    DM-Necropolis by CauldronBorn

                                    CTT-CRAP by KRONOS/TIME

                                    DM-Wrath by by Hrothgar "Jaret"

                                    DM-NorthernLights][ by Haltyr

                                    AR-OedeTall by On@g@

                                    Honorable Mention

                                    DM-Sinister by =iNi=Deliverance

                                    The judges want to emphasize that these entries are not "better

                                    than each other" as if in a (numbered) hierarchy" (too many "close" calls and ties). Why they are presented unranked and in no particular order.

                                    They are equal winners, just as there are equal prizes.

                                    Laurie the Deepminded


                                    Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                                    Laurie the Deepminded
                                    Laurie the Deepminded arrow_drop_down
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                                      # Re: RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest
                                      Resposta de Laurie the Deepminded.

                                      From Ted Halsted, (founder and level designer),  a URLQ29udGVzdCBTdGF0ZW1lbnQtLTs7LS1odHRwOi8vd3d3LnJ1bmVnYW1lLmNvbS92YmYvc2hvd3RocmVhZC5waHA/dD0yOTI1NQ== from Human Head Studios posted in

                                      Hello all Rune players! And to the Rune 7th Anniversary contestants in


                                      We at Human Head are very grateful for your continued support of Rune.

                                      We also wanted to let you all know that we are very impressed with the

                                      quality of the submissions for the Rune 7th Anniversary Contest.

                                      Great work, everyone! We are honored by the quality of your creations

                                      and the obvious talent and effort that went into their development.

                                      Human Head raises a horn of mead to each and every one of the contest


                                      Human Head would very much like to thank Phil Pliuskonis of Rune2.Net

                                      and Laurie Wise of for their invaluable efforts in hosting

                                      and co-designing this contest. Without Phil's excellent work designing,

                                      developing, and maintaining the beautiful contest website

                            , Laurie's deep knowledge of the Rune

                                      community, and Laurie's and Phil's constant evaluation and adjustment to

                                      the voting system, the Contest could simply not have happened. We at

                                      Human Head raise a hefty mug of mead to the both of you!

                                      Now before we get too light-headed from all the mead-raising, we'd like

                                      to let the winners know that we are in the process of collecting all of

                                      their addresses and shirt sizes (we promise to stay sober enough to get

                                      the addresses correctly assigned to the labels).

                                      The shirts are being

                                      printed as we speak, and we expect to be able to send out the prizes

                                      within two weeks.

                                      On a side-note, as that information comes in, we continue to be

                                      impressed not only at the talent of the Rune community, but of its

                                      global reach. Playing Rune is truly an international experience, and

                                      Human Head is proud to be a part of it.

                                      Thanks to you all,

                                      Everyone at Human Head Studios

                                      Laurie the Deepminded


                                      Official Human Head Studios website for RUNE.

                                      Fórum GameVicio » Campeonatos e Eventos » RUNE 7th Anniversary Contest